Real Estate and “Going Back To Normal”

I keep seeing and hearing people talk about waiting for the housing market to “go back to normal”. Y’all, there is no “normal” in real estate. Not in this context, anyway. We don’t see a surge in prices and then just go back to the way it was before. That’s not the way it works.

I won’t be trying to talk anybody into making decisions that aren’t financially sound. Maybe it’s time for you to buy your first home, or maybe it isn’t. The evening news and Zillow aren’t going to be analyzing your individual situation or the small micromarket you would be interested in.

If you’re wondering what you’re gonna do about your living situation, talk to local professionals. Ask competent real estate agents (more than one) about your local market conditions and how they’re trending. Talk to lenders and see what is available to you. After you do that, you’ll be armed with facts to make a good decision.

If you have a home you need to sell, don’t take online valuations at their word. Those algorithms have never seen your home or the homes they’re using to determine market value. I have Redfin and Zillow sending me updates on what my properties are worth and they’re way off. A real person with real data and experience can tell you what you need to know, and it’s not a scary process. Ask questions of local people who know. Don’t let the internet scare you or keep your family from moving forward.

About Niki Maclay

Niki Maclay knows the upstate of South Carolina. As a real estate agent, her first priority is to make her clients’ next steps as smooth as possible. Niki loves to answer questions and make sure clients know exactly what’s happening at every stage of the home buying and selling process, she specializes in helping people transition into homes that best meet their needs through every stage of life. Even beyond the transaction, the relationship Niki builds with her clients matters. Her relationship with buyers and sellers doesn’t end at the closing table. Niki is honored to call former clients “friend” all over the upstate. In her free time she enjoys sand and surf, home improvement projects, nice cars, great music, science fiction, and good eats all over the southeast.
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