Tag Archives: repair

Fall Home Maintenance

It’s Fall, y’all, time to prepare your home for cooler weather. Here are some fall home maintenance tasks to consider: Check the heating system Have your heating system inspected by a professional to ensure it is working efficiently and safely.any … Continue reading

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Why Are Those Windows So Hazy?

Who knows what this is? That’s not a dirty window, it’s a double paned window with a broken seal. These windows are popular for their insulation properties. Between those panes of glass there used to be inert gas, but that … Continue reading

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Deck Maintenance Basics

Most homeowners want to know what they can do to maintain or raise the value of their homes. Often, the answer is simply to maintain what they have. Taking care of your home means you can offer a move in … Continue reading

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Real Estate ProTip : Repair Before You List

Are you prepping yourself for a big move for next year? Your house just isn’t working for you anymore. It may be the size, the location, the amenities, but you’ve already moved on in your head and there’s no stopping … Continue reading

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Take Care of Your HVAC, It’s About To Be Your Best Bud

Summer is coming, y’all. Temperatures (and that dang humidity) are gonna be rising soon. If you haven’t already, you’ll be firing up your air conditioning in the next month or so. We don’t really think about that until we need … Continue reading

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Should I DIY This Project?

Being a homeowner can be tough sometimes. Things break, need maintenance, and sometimes you’ll have a project on your to-do list that can be done much cheaper if you just do it yourself. Homeowners DIY stuff all the time and … Continue reading

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Are Home Warranties a Scam?

by Niki Davis Maclay Today I had a call with a homeowner furious with his home warranty company. Honestly, this isn’t the first time it’s happened. Who is happy that they have to deal with a warranty company? You don’t … Continue reading

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